
I’m Dr. Laurie M Johnson (the M’s there so you won’t mistake me for the 5 trillion other Laurie Johnsons out there), and this is one place you can find the YouTube videos on political and social philosophy I make each week for The Maurin Academy. I also publish each as a podcast, which you can find here or subscribe to on iTunes, Spotify, Google podcasts and other platforms. I’m a political theorist whose primary interests have circled around classical liberalism, the critique of classical liberalism and the implications for community and equality. My latest book, Ideological Possession and the Rise of the New Right deals with the economic and psychological origins of this ongoing global phenomenon. I am currently completing The Gap in God’s Country (tentative title) for Wipf & Stock. I do not cling to one ideology or philosophical school: my thinking tends to be heterodox and syncretistic. I’m looking for a way we can live together productively while not fighting and not leaving anyone behind. Should be no problem. You can find my personal webpage at http://www.lauriemjohnson.com

The Maurin Academy website

The Maurin Academy Patreon where you can find patron’s only classes, series, and discussion groups featuring a growing group of colleagues. Some of our offerings are also on Eventbrite.

Political Philosophy YouTube

Dustbowl Diatribes is a podcast I do with Spencer Hess, from the Maurin and JPII Catholic Worker Farm.

Political Philosophy is on iTunes and Spotify and other podcast platforms.